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Past exhibitions

Major Group Exhibitions:

1986 - XVII Exhibition of Young Artists at the Kuznetsk bridge, Moscow, Russia;
1987 - The All-Union Exhibition "Youth of the Nation", the second auction of the Cultural Foundation, Moscow, Russia;
1988 - Gallery "Labyrinth", Moscow, Russia;
1989 - Gallery "Dialogue", France;
1990 - Galleries "Furmanniy Lane", Warsaw and Zurich, Poland and Switzerland; Gallery "Stockholm", Stockholm, Sweden; Gallery "Meeting" and "Davidson", Seattle, USA;
1991 - Galleries "Century", London, UK and "Art Myth", Moscow, Russia;
1992 - Gallery "Noimart", Austria;
1993 - Galleries "Gallery" and "Roberge Gallery", Palm Desert, USA;
1994-1996 - Kristchen Kesey's "Collection of the Contemporary Russian Art", Oklahoma Museu - a U.S. touring exhibition;
1998 - "Sam Brook" Gallery at the Museum of Vladimir Vysotsky, Moscow,Russia;
1999 - Gallery "Together", Marrakech, Morocco;
2000-2005 - Gallery "Pandan", Moscow, Russia;
2002 - Days of Russian Culture in Greece, Athens, Greece;
2004 "Cow Parade", Moscow Museum of Modern Art;
2010 - 200 anniversary of Charles Darwin, The Darwin Museum, Moscow, Russia;
2010 - "High Murovsland", Atists' Promotion Fund, "In the Vspolny" Gallery;
1995-2011 Art Manege exhibitions, Moscow, Russia;
2011 - Exhibition "ABC Truths" at the Moscow Artesaniya, Moscow, Russia;
2012 - "Las Meninas" Exhibition, Diego Velázquez Museum, Moscow, Russia - an event within the Days of Spain in Russia

2013 - "Favorites"  Madrid, Spain

2013 - "The aliens among us" ArtExpo New York, USA

Major Personal Exhibitions:

1989 - "In the Search of Happiness", the Museum of Decorative Arts, Moscow, Russia;
1990 - "The Rest", Gallery in Kashirka, Moscow, Russia;
1991 - "Words", the Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia;
1992 - "An Artist is not a Serious Profession", Davidson Galleries, Seattle, USA;
1992 - "Recent Works", the Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia;
1993 - "Stairs", the Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia;
1993 - Mutual Exhibition with Russian artists Igor Nezhivoy and Ivan Kolesnikov, Roberge Gallery, Palm Desert, California, USA;
1994 - "Gravity", Davidson Galleries, Seattle, USA;
1996 - "Recent Works", Davidson Galleries, Seattle, USA;
1996 - "Recent Works", Zalman Gallery, New York, USA;
1997 - "New Works", Davidson Galleries, Seattle, USA;
1997 - "New Works", Gallery "Together", Moscow, Russia;
1998 - Exhibition at the "Sam Brook" Gallery, Moscow, Russia;
2000 - "In Retrospect", the Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia;
2001 - Exhibition at the "Davidson" Galleries, Seattle, USA;
2002 - "The X Files", Gallery "Sam Brook", Moscow, Russia;
2003 - "The Ravine" Gallery, Moscow, Russia;
2004 - Exhibition at the Cinema House, Moscow, Russia;
2005 -Exhibition at "The Hankalaev" Gallery, Moscow, Russia;
2007 - Exhibition at "The Ravine" Gallery, Moscow, Russia;
2009 - Exhibition "The Man and the Sea", "L' Espace" Gallery, Normandy, France;
2009 - "In Retrospect", the Museum of Fine Arts, Tula, Russia;
2010 - "From Myself", the Museum of Theatrical Arts n.a. Alexei Bakhrushin, Moscow, Russia;
2011 - "Empty Days",  the Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia.

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